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©Beate Spitzmueller
Mapping Memories

The edition copy can be purchased for €180.
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©Beate Spitzmueller
"The Fluid Space"
Die Serie "The Fluid Space of Fall-Landschaft & Erinnerung" besteht aus insgesamt zehn Arbeiten.
©Beate Spitzmueller
Thirty Days After
Fotografische Dokumentation, Auswahl1, insgesamt 485 x 112 cm, 270 Fotos, Johannesburg 2010
©Beate Spitzmueller
©Beate Spitzmueller
Thirty Days After
Fotografische Dokumentation, Auswahl2, insgesamt 485 x 112 cm, 270 Fotos, Johannesburg 2010
©Beate Spitzmueller
©Beate Spitzmueller
The Sensuous essence of Space
If you are interested or have any questions about purchasing, please contact me
"Art is a mediator of the unspeakable."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Art is magic, freed from the lie of being truth."

Theodor W. Adorno

For art and art therapy related items including seminars and workshops, please refer to

Adress Atelier Berlin

Schwedter Straße 232
10435 Berlin


Phone: 0160-94988008
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© Beate Spitzmüller